Monday, August 13, 2012

Hollywood, The Land of Uoriginality!

I was just reading through some entertainment news (why?)I haven't figured that out yet. I am so sick of Hollywood's regurgitated garbage it is almost sickening. Can the writers and studios not come up with an original idea? Do we really need a re-make of Red Dawn? When the first one came out, in the midst of the Cold War it was something almost on a believable level. The movie was also something new and different.

I can't even begin to count the amount of movie in the last 5 years that have been direct re-makes or renditions of older movies and TV shows. Here's a small list of what of can remember, and not all of these movies were bad, some I actually enjoyed, but why can we not see an original, never-done-before film?

1. Red Dawn
2. Starsky and Hutch
3. Dirty Dancing
4. Footloose
5. The Lost World
6. The A-Team

This doesn't include the multi-tude of Super Hero/Sci-Fi films that are based off of cartoons and comics from days gone by. Here's some of them

1. GI Joe
2. Transformers
3. Spider Man, Avengers, Hulk, Iron Man, Cap Am., Batman, ETC, ETC.,ETC.

I know there are many, many more than this list, and I just wish Hollywood would go back to developing and creating stories I could watch so intently that I'd get lost in the film.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

New RC Hot Rod Project

I've been into RCs for quite a while, 15 years or more, and as the industry has evolved and changed so have my taste in what I drive and build. I have now found a great interest in building RC cars, especially Hot Rods. I am currently building a 1/12 scale 50's Diner, here is how it sits now:

And if you look over to the right side bar you can see the first RC Hot Rod I just finished a couple of months ago, here's another shot of it:
It's actually around 1/11 scale, but it still looks good sitting in front of the diner!

Here is my next project, this the Hot Rod owned by Brian Setzer, of the Brian Setzer Orchestra and The Stray Cats.

I will be scratch building this one as I did the other one from Styrene sheets layered, glued, sanded, and shaped.

This is one I really can't wait to get going on. I am currently in the designing and gathering reference material for it and should be starting really soon!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The First Law Trilogy, what a read!

A few months ago I was in search of a new book to read. I read mostly fantasy novels with the occasional book on Sasquatch or some other crypto beast. I happen to just grab a book by a newer author Joe Abercrombie titled, The Blade Itself, the first book in a trilogy named the The First Law. I was extremely impressed and pleasantly surprised by how captivating the story telling by Mr. Abercrombie was. It has been a long time since I found a book that grabbed my attention the way this story did. I have read everything I could get my hands on by JRR Tolkien, I've read nearly every book ever published under the Dragon Lance series, I've read the entire Chronicles of Narnia, and even adventured with Robert Louis Stevenson, and I would be hard pressed not to include this author amongst them.

I am halfway through the second book of the series Before They Are Hanged and this book is even more captivating than the first. I applaud the author for his story telling and excellent character base. The author has published several other books and I am sure I will be spending a lot more money on more of his tales.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Where'd did Americana go?

I haven't even got through my 30s yet and I wasn't alive during the time but I surely miss the Fifties! What happened to the good feelings of being American, helping out your neighbors, great music, and cars that weren't a dime a dozen. If I was Marty McFly I would've stayed in the 50s when the Dalorean time machine sent me back.

The ways of the world today make my soul sick, crazies rampaging on unsuspecting movie goers, people killing each other over nothing, and no one caring a lick about their fellow man's hardships. Not to mention the lack of concern our government has for anyone but themselves, I don't care which side they're on, Dems, Reps, Ind. they are all greedy.

Sorry for the Rant!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Holy Heat wave!

So being in the Army gave me a good experience for hotter climates being stationed in Ft. Gordon, GA. and Ft. Hood, TX. unfortunately that was many years ago and living in WNY we are not adjusted to the weather we've had this summer, especially today.

We topped off at a cool 96* this afternoon, a new record for this area, and staying cool wasn't an easy task. We have an Air Conditioner in the house, a window type one, didn't help much, the box fans just blew around hot air, finding sleep tonight will be a difficult task.

Friday, August 3, 2012


Hey there! I'm a noob Blogger so please be patient with me! I've decided to start a Blog mostly for my own ramblings and hopefully someone, somewhere will get enjoyment out of it.

A little bit about myself, I live in WNY, in the beautiful rolling hills of the Southern Tier. I have a beautiful wife who has given me three beautiful children, two princesses, and a son, my best buddy in the whole world. I have a 4yr college degree in business which I am finding to be pretty much useless in this economy. I've served my country proudly in the US Army and hope America is restored to its former glory someday soon before my children have to face the struggles we now face.

I'll try not to bore you all with my ramblings, I hope to share some funny stories, discuss some of my hobbies, and do a movie or book review every now and then.

Thanks for stopping by!